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Why did you start the company? What excites you about it?
[Answered in Techstars]
How did you meet your co-founders?
[Answered in Techstars]
Describe the problem you are solving
[Answered in Techstars]
How are your customers solving that problem today?
[Answered in Techstars]
Who are your competitors and how are you different?
[Answered in Techstars]
How many customers/users do you currently have?
[Answered in Techstars]
How many customers/users have you talked to? What did you ask them?
We’ve conducted online surveys across dozens of college campuses (960 responses), and conducted user interviews with students who have not previously used our products (~60 students). In the interviews, we asked the students to try out the products (we were sitting next to them) and gave them an open forum to say anything they didn’t understand, or bring up any additions they would find useful. This also gave us a window into how people are using our products (what they use the most/click on first) that aren’t always clear in the analytics.
Moreover, we’ve of course received a lot of feedback and suggestions from many of the thousands of students who have used our products, and considered their suggestions during periods of product development.
How do you plan to acquire customers?
[Answered in YC]
What progress have you made in the last six months?
[Answered in Techstars]
What steps have you taken to validate the market?
[Answered in Techstars]
What is your revenue model or expected revenue model?
Dropdown, I guess put advertising?
What is your weekly growth rate?
[Answered in Techstars as monthly. Divide by 4 and round up.]
1 minute demo
Why do you want to attend this program?
[Use “hard question” below]