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4th Meeting With Hazim

	This paper. What is it supposed to accomplish? 

In the paper, should I discuss general Fog Computing and also the use cases within a company? I can talk generally, and then it is pretty obvious that the same can be implemented within a company and thus all the security concerns fall away. 

Is Jitter a concern with fog servers? 

How will Fog Computing defend against man-in-the-middle attacks? 

My ideas on how a dynamic app will be used on the Fog. You break an app down into app logic, database tables (data), static content (HTML templates, CSS, JS, etc), and user preferences. 
For relatively small apps where dynamic data is shared, all data could be sent, and the Data Center orchestrates sending and receiving updates to and from existing Fog servers. As many users would be using this app at one time, batching of network requests can be done to reduce network utilization.

LinkedIn (and apparently other web companies), setup PoP (Point of Presences) which are just small scale data centers which act as endpoints for TCP connection requests. They don’t have compute, but they could and this would be essentially the start of a Fog layer. 


Data, event, action break down within a Fog server. 

Look into iOX , which has an idle processor. LXE 

Will make a use case out of everything. 

COAP, QTT, protocols for lightweight sensor stuff. 

HPCC high, or BI 

90 to 120 days to upgrade the WAN links. 

Dynamic PoP creation. They would pay the Service provider for this access. 

Stadium Vision.