read more
Number of feet: 

Iambic = ˘ `    vs trochee ` ˘
anapest =  ˘ ˘ ` vs  dactyl = ` ˘ ˘    
pyric = ˘ ˘ vs spondee = ``


	poet - to create or make
	meter - to measure
	metaphor - to carry
	syntax - to fit together 
	ictis - heavy strike
	breve - brief, light 


Revision is the works’ _discovery_ of _itself_. 

_Inspiration_ is writing every day. 

The _iambic_ _pentameter_ line is the most widely used line in metrical verse. 

Poetry should be precise about the _thing_ and reticent about the _feeling_. 
Make something happen in _every_  _line_. 

What’s the difference between oxymoron and onamonapea? 

Write dactyl tetrameter: ` ˘ ˘ | ` ˘ ˘ | ` ˘ ˘ | ` ˘ ˘
Iambic hexameter with a pyric third foot: ˘ `| ˘ `|˘ ˘| ˘ `| ˘ `| ˘ `
Last stanza in a sestina (SES = SIX): is a couplet with the last three lines of previous stanza or does enclosed rhyme (ABA) with said lines. 

How many stanzas does a sestina have: 6 with 6 lines each, plus one more with there lines. 

Give name and rhyme scheme for three different three line stanzas: 
	tercet - ABA 
	Terza Rima - ABA BCB CDC 
	Triplet - AAA

Difference between mixed metaphor and conceit: conceit is one metaphor throughout the poem. Mixed is multiple metaphors throughout. 

Stanzaic structure of sonnet: abab cdcd efef gg. 14 lines (obvs)

Give three words that demonstrate slant rhyme (terminal consonants are same, preceding vowels are different): 

Difference between free verse and blank verse: free is completely free. Blank is written in iambic pentameter. 

Difference between some stupid mouth area and some other stupid mouth area: nobody cares. 

Write three lines that demonstrate anaphora (start of lines are the same): 
if I pass this test I’ll be happy
if i pass this test I’ll be good

Things to know (for part III or otherwise): 

Enjambment: running down the line without end stops. Pulling down the page. 
Cesara (when line stops in middle. Note: etymology from c-section). 
sounds: alliteration, onamonapea, 
tone shifts

			---------------OTHER QUOTES-----------------

	“Let the image get the message across” 
	“Not ideas about the thing but the thing itself”

	“Mere air these words, but delicious to hear” 

	“The iamb saunters through my book,
	Trochees rush and tumble;
	While the anapest runs like a hurrying book,
	Dactyls are stately and classical”

	---------------Less Likely----------------

	“The new metaphor is a miracle, like the creation of life”

	“The greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor” 

	“A title should be like a good metaphor: it should intrigue without being too battling or too obvious”

	“Poetic form is both the ship and the anchor. It is at once a buoyancy and a steadying, allowing for the simultaneous gratification of whatever is centrifugal and whatever is centripetal in mind and body”. 

	“More often than not...” Roethetike 

		   ---------------OTHER THINGS TO KNOW-----------------
Allusion is reference to something outside the realm of the poem. 
Transferred Epithet Is when an adjective is transferred to a diff noun
Assonance - the repetition of vowel sounds
Consonance - the repetition of consonance sounds
Epistrophe - the opposite of anaphora (repetition at end of line)
Hypermetrical -containing an additional unstressed syllable 

Ballad stanza: If rhyming in quatrain is abab or abcb. 
Common Meter: ballad but in iambic pentameter
Volta: means “turn”. Of direction in a poem. 

Pantoum: 2nd and 4th lines become 1st and 3rd of second stanza. 
Inversion: Words that fall out of expected order
Elipses: Words that are consciously ommited by author

Tercet: three line stanza
Quatrain: four line stanza

2 line couplets
	short couplet: iambic tetrameter         aa 
	heroic couplet: iambic pentameter     aa

3 line tercet 
	triplet - aaa bbb ccc 
	terza rima - aba  bcb  cdc 

4 line quatrains 
		ballad (alt: tetra or trimiter lines) stanza abcd or abab 
long meter -> iambic tetrameter		
Villanelle is 19 lines?