A bill that I proposed be passed by our student council regarding our school's attitude toward education. Needless to say, it wasn't very effective.

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•	Identifying the purpose of Education is crucial in determining the nature in which we educate adolescents in America.
•	The purpose of education is to first uncover the interests of a student by exposing them to many different topics, and then allow (not instructing) them to experiment with those interests while loosely monitoring (not guiding) there progress. 

•	The current problem is that we are holding students up to standards. Imagine many students stuck in a crevasse, and the teachers on the side trying to get them up. The teachers have to get as many students as they can before they freeze, but once a student is out of the crevasse they are ignored. This is the idea of a standard, and this is a problem. 
•	Once students have escaped the crevasse, teachers should help guide them up the nearby mountain. This mountain has no limits, it is the mountain of knowledge and nobody has peaked it. 

•	Each student is a separate entity, and government generalizing and standards are detrimental to each student because educational progress cannot be measured by a concrete ruler, it must be measured by a standard rate of progress relative to each student. 
•	Although this approach may seem impractical, it is certainly necessary because educational progression guides scientific progression, and scientific progression guides humanitarian progress, and humanitarian progress (in terms of ameliorating hardship) will improve the welfare of all humans. 
•	An educated society is a good society. 
•	The solution is to entirely eliminate standards, because it puts teachers and students in this superficial mindset only concerning them with “what the teacher wants” or “what will look good on my application” or (in terms of teachers) “what do they need to know to pass.” A continuation of this mindset will completely eliminate the aforementioned purpose of education and thus render our system entirely useless. 
•	Unfortunately, the ideal method of teaching may be impossible to implement into society, not because of financial restrictions or lack of teachers, but because there is a motive behind every human action, and humans act in the sole purpose of serving themselves, which is why the concept of teaching in the interest of teaching does not exist. 
•	There will always be something driving the teachers, something inclining them to teach one way or another, one thing or another. So an impartial teaching system is impossible, however our current system is so unnecessarily flawed, it can be fixed by simply eliminating standards, eliminating the sole focus on the majority and contribute a fraction of the effort spent of slightly improving the majority to majority improving the minorities both above and below an average intelligence. This is important because those who live under the influence of severe ignorance can affect millions of people beyond repair. And those that are above the average intelligence (especially those who are far beyond it) have the potential (given the right tools and opportunities) to improve the lives of millions of people. 
•	It’s easier to move a pebble than a mountain. 
•	Some teachers focus on learning what before how, which is a different approach than what it should be. Connections are how things work, with no connection there is nothing moving. You need to know how before you know what, you can know part of what and still be able to appropriately explain how, but you can’t know half of how and probably explain the overall picture, which is what is very important. The process’ are what is important, not to individual part. You need to know the overall picture, how things work. 
•	Don’t learn what, learn how and why.