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You pivot by me cleanly,
not kissing shoulders,

but we share air
so I hold you in my nose–

A bouquet of bacon
and scrambled eggs, with onions.

No breath as intentional
as the next one I take.

This story you shed
is all I know of you;

We are not familiar,
but I am no stranger to your scent.	

Pre-Final Edits (before giving in to McFee's comments, which I didn't agree with)

You pivot by me cleanly:
not a kiss of shoulders,
nor a brush of jackets

but our air impacts
so I hold you in my nose–

A banquet of bacon
and hastily scrambled eggs.

No breath as intentional
as the next one I take.

This story you shed
is all I know of you;

I am not familiar,
but I am no stranger to your scent.