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Lemon Battery Follow-Up Assignment
1. What are the two terminals of a battery, and which way do electrons flow?
The two terminals on a battery are labeled + (positive) and – (negative). The electrons
flow from the batteries negative terminal and are received by the positive terminal of the
2. Where might we see the same reactions that occur in batteries in our daily lives?
Oxidation, which in the battery is a reaction that results with a discharge of electrons,
does not to my knowledge occur in anything else. Reduction, which in the battery is a
reaction that results with extra electrons,  does not to my knowledge occur in anything
3. What role does the lemon itself play in the battery?
The lemons citric acid provides the acidic solution to the lemon battery.
4. Which of the following fruits would make good electrolytes, and which would not: bananas, limes, and tomatoes?
Bananas are not acidic and would not act as a good electrolytes as opposed to limes and
tomatoes, which are very acidic.  
5. According to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed.   Where did the energy come from in our lemon battery?
The lemons juice which I think has positive hydrogen ions.
6. Explain what it means to connect batteries “in series”.  When would you want to use this configuration?
When connecting in series you are keeping the same amount of voltage that the battery
has. When you want a circuit or if you were making something like an extension cord.
7. Explain what it means to connect batteries “in parallel”.  When would you want to use this configuration?
When connecting in Parallel you are adding the voltage of the battery to another
battery. You want to use this figuration if you would like the batteries that you are
connecting to add up to a certain result.