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! Iʼve been asked to read about some physics thing; itʼs cool I guess. I have a headache. The problem is that Iʼm not sure how to get rid of it. Iʼm a completely different person when Iʼm off my medication. Iʼm far less self aware. I donʼt particularly care about how others are seeing me. This makes me a more joyful person, I think, because it allows me to only focus on the positive things people do. This is because people are far less likely to vocalize a dislike than a like, well, as long as it pertains to a person. Because Iʼm not aware of the withheld problems my actions cause, Iʼm happier. Iʼm more outgoing. Iʼm far less analytic. Iʼm more about the moment and less about the future. States of the brain are amazing. My attitude is completely different. Iʼm not sure which person Iʼd rather be. I kind of like being both. Itʼs a lot of power, being able to control who you are.