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	 ! Iʼm not quite sure what to write about. Iʼm not entirely focused on Math as I usually am.
! Psychology is interesting. Itʼs difficult to agree with a lot of the conclusions and correlations that are found. People are too unpredictable (although, they are ultimately predictable). One cannot account for all of the backgrounds of a person in determining how they themselves relate to their actions. Thatʼs why itʼs difficult to consider Psychology as a science at all. Itʼs all theory. Iʼve said before that the only way anyone can determine a universal truth is by creating the system that it applies to. Truths only exist in closed systems, and even then, they may still not.
! I have no idea why I canʼt see my screen when I boot from Windows. It must be the graphics card. But why is windows only able to see the 9600 and not the 9400? I donʼt see how the CD could have any drivers. Perhaps the board is telling the CD to use the 9600, but itʼs not working.
Ryan- Perhaps youʼre right, perhaps the board is telling the CD to use the 9600. However, Iʼm sure no matter what the issue is with your Windows, youʼll fix it.
Iʼve been thinking about yearbook lately, and how badly Iʼd like to be the editor. Hannah explained to me earlier that sheʼd fire Wesley and I could [finally] take her place, but sheʼs said this many times Iʼm not sure how trustworthy her word is.
By the way, I like your thoughts on Truth in psychology, however I find it extremely negative.
! Iʼm thankful for computers.
! Iʼm thankful for Math.
! Iʼm thankful for discussion.
! Iʼm thankful for permissiveness.
! Iʼm thankful for Math tricks.