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Our current from of public education does not benefit the extreme student. The current education the government provides for the public neither encourages nor enables students to explore beyond the material they are given. This type of education provided is ideal for only the average student, one who is completely obedient of the academic restrictions put upon them and has no interest on going deeper into the material until they reach the college level. This poses an important problem which has the potential to lead to a halt in human intellectual advancement.

Students not only develop socially and physically, but academically too. Some intellectually superior students may feel restrained by their grade or age, while others may feel challenged by the conventional education. Allowing these two types of students to remain to be taught in the same way frustrates not only the students, but the teachers as well. It is the teachers that must compensate for the vast gap between these students. A solution to this reoccurring problem would be separating the students allowing them to learn at their own pace and level. It is extremely important to make this isolation at the correct time.

My suggestion is to teach basic, essential knowledge that applies to all subjects of learning (simple math, reading, writing), up to age 10. From age 10 - 13, more subjects are introduced to broaden the students mind, and observe how they react from the exposure. These first years can be taught using current methods of public school, however, in addition parents and teachers keep a profile of any academic significance the student exhibits. Once the student reaches age 13 (8th grade), they meet with a child phycologist who interviews the student for as long as needed, and reviews the students file. If the student has highly superior intellectual ability, they are placed in a 1 on 1 training program up until the age 18, which allows them to study their ambitions while the teacher still enforces essential information preparing for college.

Education; Failing

If the student shows an average ability, they are sent to a conventional public school until age 18. If the student has a disability or learning disadvantage they are sent to a special school specific to their disorder.

Once all students reach age 18 they have the choice of going to any already existing college, giving them the ability to choose their field of study. Schools current solution to this dilemma is offering advanced placement classes to those who are intellectually gifted, the obvious problem is the social issue it raises, the students maturity level may not be as developed as their cognitive abilities, placing them with more mature, students. Another issue is age, exposure to the older age group which the student may not be able to handle.

Making this switch in the educational method will strengthen students learning, and lessen the frustration on teachers to for-fill each students requirements. It also eliminates educational restrictions schools unintentionally set. Our fate lies in future generations, who in turn rely on what we pass down to them, and knowledge is the most essential of all gifts.