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The ideal democracy is built on the assumption that individuals will both partake in the opportunities provided to improve their lives as well as educate themselves to an extent where they are effectively able to do so. Therefore it would be quite overt that if citizens did not partake in the opportunity to educate themselves they are unable to be appropriately represented and thus improve their lives. It can then be deduced that given the nature of humans and their improvident nature, the existence of a true democracy is dependent on the unachievable perfection of human nature.

The concept of democracy has been exploited by governments both as a label and a covertly deceptive appearance. This is not made possible by some oligarchical group using brute force to maintain power, for that would not be covert. It is due to the exploitation of the foundation of democracy; people. Since the neolithic revolution there have been countless attempts to maintain power while keeping the majority of their subordinates complacent. America’s deceptive democracy (D.D.) has found the successful balance between libertarianism and authoritarianism to maintain control, and while it may not be perpetual, it has proven itself where others have failed.

D.D. is designed to “solve” the weak spots in other government styles, the foremost of which is a revolution of the people. In a democracy the people cannot revolt because they themselves are the alleged leaders, the suggested pacifistic alternative is to change voting habits and allow the government to adapt to the people. But they are unable to realize any of their belligerence is (in a way) silenced because their vision is restricted by the perils of being human (greed, disdain). They are unlikely to escape this restriction because those unsatisfiable desires are incorrectly perceived to be quenchable in the one place they unknowingly sacrifice their labor to maintaining power to those who blind them.

Therefore Civics is not important because it merely consumes those who study it further into the everlasting complexity of D.D.

- Sorry if you’re mad that I didn’t write about the subject, I started to and then began to think about democracy and before I knew it I was writing about all this. I assure you I spent more time and far more effort (and that’s what it’s all about, right?) writing this than if I had just stayed on topic.