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Chapter 6 Review 								Joe Puccio

Key Terms
Strict Construction was an interpretation of the Constitution holding that the power of the federal government are strictly defined. Loose Construction was an interpretation of the Constitution holding that the power of the federal government has broad powers. 
Hartford Convention was an 1814 meeting at which delegates from New England states met to discuss their opposition to government policies. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions were resolutions passed by Kentucky and Virginia in 1798-1799 giving the states the right to declare acts of Congress null and void. 
Jay’s Treaty was a 1794 treaty aimed at settling boundary and commercial disputes between the US and Britain. Pinckney’s Treaty was a 1795 treaty between the US and Spain that gave Americans the right to travel on the Mississippi and to deposit goods at New Orleans. 
The Alien Act required that immigrants have to live in the US for 14 years before becoming citizens. The Sedition Act forbids false, scandalous, and malicious acts on government.
Embargo Act of 1807 was a government order that forbade ships to leave the US for foreign ports. The Non-Intercourse Act was a 1809 act that repealed the Embargo act of 1807 and reopened trade with all nations except Britain and France.
The War of 1812 was a war between Britain and the US that ended with no territorial changes. The Battle of New Orleans was a battle fought at the end of the War of 1812 in which America forces defeated a British attack on New Orleans.

People To Identify 
Edmund Genêt
Meriwether Lewis
Thomas Jefferson
John Marshall
Adam Smith
Aaron Burr

Places To Locate

Reviewing the Facts
Some precedents set by George Washington as president were addressing the president as “Mr. President” and an executive acting as independently of Congress as possible. He was also responsible the precedent of a 2-term presidency (even though there was no explicit limit), as well as neutrality in Foreign affairs and calling the Cabinet to offer advice. 
Hamilton implemented tariffs, which put taxes on imported goods.  This raised money and encouraged domestic manufacturing which would promote immigration into the United States. 
In the 1790s, America had to deal with Spain, Great Britain, and the Indians fighting over the land between the Appalachians and the Mississippi River.  To deal with the problem, George Washington sent troops to battle the Indians.
The French Revolution split up the American people.  Some agreed with Hamilton and thought that they should keep friendly relations with Britain.  Others were on Jefferson’s side and wanted to remain in support of the French.
The Republicans wanted to pressure Britain into a war and they thought that America could defeat Britain. The Republicans were against the Alien and Sedition laws, and the new taxes which they fought by inducing popular malcontent. One interesting thing to note is that Washington urged the nation to avoid political parties as he thought it could harm the national interest. 
In Marbury V. Madison, the court declared for the first time that a law passed by congress was unconstitutional.
The nations that were fighting for influence in California were America, Spain, and Russia.
When Napoleon sent 34,000 troops to fight, and 30,000 of them were killed, he decided to sell Louisiana.  The US bought it for $15 million.
The War of 1812 was caused when France and Great Britain got in a war and started involving Americans by trying to make them fight too.
The Federalist party was destroyed because it was charged for treason by political opponents because of the ill-timed meeting at Hartford.

Critical Thinking Skills

The speaker was probably Jefferson. This is because Jefferson believed that “banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” showing that he thought that one’s pocketbook took precedence over their passport. 
He did not wish to see a segmented America as they were supposed to be the “united” states. He saw political parties as a source of malfeasance and bad politics as they had the tendency to seek more power and denounce their opponents. Although Washington conceded that parties can be conducive to the promotion of liberty in a style of government that does not already permit liberty, Washington believed (as do I) that the quest for power distracts political officials from their duties as our representatives. 
The fact that Jefferson decided to abdicate his strict constructionist view for a loose view was likely due to the magnitude of the opportunity he was provided with. It may be said that “the spot they stand on [the United States and the principles thereof explicitly detailed in the Constitution] does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains [the Louisiana purchase].” One’s principles are not always principal. 
The British supported the American Indian tribes to help prevent American expansion. They also decided to antagonize the Americans over national honor as they felt as though they had been humiliated by the Americans in various defeats.