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My current English Grade:
Classwork 20%
avg. 100+100+87+40+100+94 = 87 (My grade displays as 84).
Homework 20%
avg. 100+88+100+85+87 = 92 (My grade displays as 91).
AP practice multi choice questions add another 100
Tests 20%
avg. 88+98 = 93
Participation 10%
avg. 90+90+3 = 93 (My grade displays as 92)
Writing Notebook 10%
avg. 100 = 100
Essays 20%
avg. 70+80+x = unknown
Entering grades as 100/100 rather than 50/50 should fix these problems.
After entering my Essay grade, if the grade is still an 89% can I do some extra credit to get it to a 90%?
86.8 or (90 with +3) + 92 or 93.11 + 93 + 90 or (93 with +3) + 100 + 70+80+x
Lowest possible: x needs to be 88 to get 90%
(with no AP practice questions added, +3 as is).
Highest possible: x needs to be a 79 to get 90%
(with AP practice questions added, +3 to the classwork EC instead)