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Chapter 4 Review 								Joe Puccio

Key Terms
Northwestern Ordinance 
Committee of Correspondence 
Treaty of Paris (1783) 
Stamp Act
writs of assistance 
Intolerable Acts
First Continental Congress

People To Identify 
Francis Drake
Thomas Jefferson 
Thomas Paine
Sam Adams
John Locke
Ethan Allen
Richard Henry Lee

Places To Locate

Reviewing the Facts
Great Britain changed its colonial policies in 1763 to ease Indian fears and bring peace to the frontier. 
Colonists did not like the restrictions on settlements. They disliked what was to come even more. 
Fighting first broke out between British and American troops on April 18, 1775 with the shot heard around the world. 
The Declaration of Independence said that when a leader (George III in this case) goes against the God-given rights of man he becomes a tyrant, and the people have a right to withdraw their allegiance. 
As commander-in-chief George Washington faced many obstacles. He was almost always outmanned and/or outgunned in a fight. His troops were also not as experienced in battle as those of the British. Also, he lost many troops to non-war related things such as smallpox. 
Loyalists were most numerous in New York State, among Scottish immigrants of the Carolinas, and in the seaboard cities. New England and Virginia had the greatest share of Patriots. Those that tended to remain neutral were the Quakers and the German population of Pennsylvania. 
The Patriots’ victory at the Battle of Saratoga is what it took to convince the French to ally with the Patriots. 
The Articles of Confederation gave the states most of the power. It limited the power of central government, and gave the executive branch little power. 
Citizens needed to possess a sense of equality, simplicity, and they needed to sacrifice for the public good. 
 On an international level, Congress under the Articles of Confederation couldn’t pay its debts, reach trade-agreements, establish economic stability, or earn the respect of other nations. Domestically there was a huge problem with currency and inflation. 

Critical Thinking Skills

In this case I believe that the pros of separating from Great Britain greatly outweighed the cons. The pros included no more extreme taxation, mistreatment, or ridiculous laws, equality for all (and their descendants). Cons included having to wage a war - and losing colonist’s lives in the process. Also, if they lost the war their situation would likely become far worse. 
With the revolution came a new ideal - absolute equality among men. This allowed leaders to be chosen from any social or economic class. No one man was born to follow or lead. 
In a monarchy there are a few (usually) educated people in power, in a republic the people are in power through their votes. This is why educating them is so important - uneducated people will often lead to bad officials. 
By saying this the jurist meant that (over) taxing could destroy nations, as well as allegiances. This is no longer possible in America today because we use a system of checks and balances to ensure it doesn’t happen. 
This is a very good and debatable question. In my opinion, they did have the right to do this. In Colonial America, 40% of the people were Patriots, 20% Loyaliststs, and 40% neutral (from textbook). Let’s say the patriots were Democrats, the Loyalists Republicans, and those who were neutral are politically inactive. Come to the next election a Democratic President would be elected. Essentially, because those whom were neutral were undecided they didn’t count, and the Patriots had the Loyalists outnumbered.