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Whether it be passive resistance as in the case of India’s expulsion of the “Raj” in 1947

violent rebellion in Algeria with the death of 10,000 French forces

united states

Iranian government in 1953

Guatemala government in 1954

Castro’s Cuba in 1960

This intervention demolished the Korean peninsula and totaled four million Korean deaths

covert operations in places such as Iran, Guatemala, and Cuba, or open conflict such as in Lebanon, The Dominican Republic, and Vietnam


Farouk, and his political supporters abdicated control after being faced by British tanks.

While Egypt maintained control through a large military presence, nationalist guerrillas formed in Egypt. As the years went on, skirmishes between the British military force and the nationalists became more frequent, reaching its climax in January of 1952 when British forces attacked a police station rendering over fifty dead.

, the Congress party of India passed a “quit India resolution” which claimed India’s “inalienable right to freedom and resolution” and offering to support the Allies in the war on the condition that they were granted their independence. The party claimed that they Britain was subjecting them to “an imperialist and authoritarian” rule which thwarted India’s national development.

British authorities resist deny India independence.

It may be argued that the introduction of Indians into the administration of India and the granting of more economic and political power at the local and provincial level to these new administration members indicate a newfound adherence by the British to the principles of the Atlantic Charter. However, this loosening of Britain’s control of India was to do the fact that “World War II fatally weakened an already infirm British grip on the subcontinent.”

Similarly, it may be argued that the eventual granting of India its independence by Britain in August of 1947 was indicative of a benevolence realized only after 1945 due to Britain’s preoccupation with World War II. This is certainly not the case as it can be clearly seen that the granting of independence was primarily motivated by economics, military limitations, and outside pressures by the United States.

The British Labour Party was already on record favoring independence” and “the Americans...worried that a prolonged, violent independence struggle would radicalize the colony to the embarrassment of the free world and to the benefit of international communism”.

Britain lacked the troops to maintain abroad in defense of what remained of its empire.

The British behaved similarly in India, Palestine, and Egypt. Consequently,

) the situation in Palestine