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3rd Trimester Self-Evaluation – Science

Which lab (or lesson) did you enjoy the most and why?

        I enjoyed the science expo lab the most mostly because it gave me choice of exactly what I wanted to do and what subject I wanted to research. I also enjoyed it because of the amount of time we had to do it, allowing me to put my best work into it. 

Describe at least one way in which something that you learned in Science changed your understanding of (or opinion about) a “real life” topic or issue.  Be specific.

        Preforming all of the research for the science expo lab changed my opinion of the climate change crisis, in that I learned that that the problem can be solved more easily by globalization of green products. It also helped me understand that the problem can be solved by investing only a fraction of the portion of money we are currently spending on the iraq war. 

How have you improved your lab write ups?  How do you know?

        I have improved incorporating information about other subjects in my lab. I have also improved the language I use in writing my labs. I know because I receive comments about how I write that is positive. 

How would you describe the level of challenge of the material taught in Science

TOO                  SOMEWHAT        JUST                SOMEWHAT                TOO
DIFFICULT          DIFFICULT                RIGHT        EASY                        EASY  
3rd Trimester Self-Evaluation – Spanish

Do you feel like you are making progress in reading & reading comprehension in Spanish?  How do you know?

        I feel like I’m making slow but steady process in Spanish. My Spanish vocabulary has grown over this trimester. Mostly from exposure to Spanish words. I know because I have noticed I can understand simple Spanish sentences. 

What conversation activities (including the songs & lessons) do you like the most?  Why?

        I like the activities that stretch my knowledge of simple Spanish sentences that would help me in Spanish speaking countries. I think that it would help me because I might want to go to a Spanish speaking country 

Assess your performance on the Spanish quizzes.  How might you make improvements.

        I have not been doing very well on my Spanish quizzes. I think I will be able to better if I study the material more.

The workbooks and CDs are intended to expose you to spoken Spanish, using repetition of vocabulary and patterns to help you retain the material.  Do you find these activities helpful?

VERY                  SOMEWHAT        NOT SURE        SOMEWHAT                   TOTALLY
HELPFUL          HELPFUL                USELESS             USELESS                USELESS