A formal proposal to my parents for an Xbox 360.
read moreXbox 360 Proposal
Prepared for: Philip Puccio, Mr.
Prepared by: Joseph Puccio, Mac/Wii salesman
August 17, 2008
Proposal number: 123-4567
Executive Summary
ObjectiveTo come to a compromise that will provide Joseph with his current goal.
GoalTo give Joseph an Xbox 360 that will not disrupt or disturb any member of the household.
Hardware IssuesThe Xbox 360 is actually no extra hassle to the current living room arrangement. It requires nor will bring any extra wires coming out the front of the television area, therefore not further interfering with the closing cabinet doors. It actually requires less wire bulk coming out the back (see diagram 1 attached) because the Xbox 360 controller only uses bluetooth (built in) as apposed to the Wii which uses a combination of bluetooth and infrared, requiring one more wire. The Xbox 360 features a slim 3.27 inch base easily sliding and color matching it’s slightly shorter friend the Wii. The only additional hardware I plan on adding would be a second wireless controller (easily stored in the cabinet on the right). As well as Xbox 360 games (discs), which would be added onto the games stack also located in the cabinet located directly to the right.
“Reasons Not To” ResolvedUnlike previous obsessional needs for new electronics (partially joking), the Xbox 360 is cheap and does not require any continues financial commitment, unlike the iPhone. I would pay for the Xbox 360 myself, (except for a small donation already requested, not yet confirmed by Philip). I’m willing to sacrifice volume if Philip is not happy with the last moans of dying soldiers. Much like Call Of Duties 3 the games will have a maximum set volume level to be determined and not debated by Philip. I know that Philip is concerned about “Shoot ‘em ups” -Philip Puccio dated Saturday, August 17th, 2008 9:43 A.M. The Kitchen. This should not be a problem so long as Philip controls the volume and environment I play the game in. Remember that we all watch and enjoy “Generation Kill” which is realistic and advocates gunfire (as well as like every italian movie Philips talked about). If the game I’m playing involves a heavy/constant use of weapons I’m willing (not happily) to only play the game when the volume is at the set limit and Philip is not in eyeshot of the television. That would mean if he was outside working on the weeds or in his office on his computer or sleeping upstairs I could play. If he was in the Kitchen doing the dishes, eating breakfast in the dinning room or doing anything within eyeshot of the television he could request that I shut it off and I would have to comply. Neither I, nor you want these games to be any more disruptive than the others, and they won’t be. The music games require the sound, these certainly do not (thats why they all have subtitles). These “Shoot ‘em ups” aren’t any different from Call Of Duty 3, which you let me purchase \and we have not had any disputes about. As long as all of the figures above stand we should continue to have no problems. The frequency I play the games would not be any higher than it is now, (but we’ve never really worried about that). Thank you for your time. “Draft 1 ready for editing.”

Philip Puccio’s Signature: ___________________________________
Date: _________________
Elizabeth D’amico’s Signature: ______________________________
Date: ___________________
Joseph Puccio’s Signature: _________________________________
Date: __________________
Joseph’s Bedroom inc. Hallway 4 Chapel Hill, NC 27517 T 919-[redacted] F None Josephpuccio@gmail.com www.microsoft.com