An idea I had for a website that allows people to track their "achievements" in life, just like one does in video games.
read is a website where users have a personal account with a simple name, picture, and friends list. When users complete something in the real world (e.g. read a book, run 2 miles, get a tan, buy a TV, lose their keys, get fired, win an arm wrestling match, lose a soccer game etc.) they get a certain number of points. The objective of the website is to engage in real world activities to increase your portfolio. Each achievement is made by an administrator, which includes a relevant title and a description of the activity. (e.g. Title: Big Spender, description: purchase one item over 25,000 dollars). Users can suggest achievements and corresponding point values for the achievements, the achievements must be approved by an administrator however. Users can challenge their friends to complete an achievement they’ve completed. The majority of the achievements are real world, but some are automated, such as: Accept a challenge from a friend, complete a challenge from a friend, obtain 500 points, have a achievement suggestion accepted, etc. As the website grows, increased functionality is added. Users can post a photo or video of themselves completing the activity as proof for all of their friends. For achievements that are difficult to prove, users must trust one another. For achievements that are difficult to illustrate with a video or photo, users may get creative, for instance, for the achievement “lost my keys,” a user might upload a picture of their head pressed against the steering wheel in frustration. All accounts will be band for pornography. Each achievement is tied with a few tags, so that users can locate an achievement they believe is in the database. The website can make a profit through advertisements, although these advertisements must not hinder user’s ability to navigate through the site. Each smaller achievement may be tied to others, such as “lost my keys,” when a user has lost 5 items (e.g. all achievements related to losing an item will be marked) they will receive a new achievement. In effect, the receive an achievement for the same action with multiple objects. When opening an account, the user will be prompted with the rules, achievements may only be added if they were actually completed, and an achievement may only be marked as completed if the user has completed after enlisting. Below are some basic prototype layouts. Each achievement has its own page, with a dedicated photo, description, etc. When a user visits the achievements page, it shows two options of display: public and friends. Friends shows all the posts of friends completing the achievement, their videos, pictures etc, and public are all the most recent completions of the achievement. Users can make their achievement acquisition video or picture public and allow all others to see it (even if they’re not their friend). Users can request a poll for the best video or picture for that achievement (usually best as in most creative), users can submit their picture or video into the pool of submissions, and vote for the ones they like. The winner will be featured on the achievement page.
Perhaps the achievement worth should not be revealed until completing it, to prevent users from simply claiming they completed the highest value achievement to have a large amount of points.