A visual respresentation of which numbers are divisible by others, as a means of gaining intuition/finding patterns.

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import java.awt.*; 
import java.applet.*;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;

public class visualizingDivisibility extends Applet {
	Applet will paint special shapes and use colors and fonts 
	Only new methods are explained 

	 // Specify variables that will be needed everywhere, anytime here 
	 // The font variable 
	    Font bigFont;

	 // The colors you will use 
	     Color redColor; 
	     Color weirdColor; 
	     Color bgColor;
	     int numberToGoUpTo = 80;
	     int sizeOfBoxes = 20;
	     public void init()  
	    	 this.setSize(1820, 1150);
	  // Here we will define the varibles further 
	  // Will use Arial as type, 16 as size and bold as style 
	  // Italic and Plain are also available 
	          bigFont = new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,16);
	  // Standard colors can be named like this 
	          redColor = Color.black;

	  // lesser known colors can be made with R(ed)G(reen)B(lue). 
	          weirdColor = new Color(60,60,122);

	          bgColor = Color.black;

	  // this will set the backgroundcolor of the applet 

	     public void stop() 

	 // now lets draw things on screen 
	     public void paint(Graphics g)  
	    	 for(int i=1;i<numberToGoUpTo;i++){
	    		 g.drawString(Integer.toString(i), sizeOfBoxes*i, sizeOfBoxes);
	    		 g.drawLine(sizeOfBoxes*i, sizeOfBoxes, sizeOfBoxes*i, 1000);
	    	 for(int i=1;i<numberToGoUpTo;i++){
	    		// g.drawString(Integer.toString(i), 20*i, 20);
	    		 g.drawLine(sizeOfBoxes, sizeOfBoxes*i, 1800, sizeOfBoxes*i);
	    	 for(int i=1;i<numberToGoUpTo;i++){
	    		 g.drawString(Integer.toString(i), sizeOfBoxes, (sizeOfBoxes*i)+sizeOfBoxes);
	    	 for(int i=1; i<numberToGoUpTo; i++){
	    		 for(int a=1; a<numberToGoUpTo; a++){
	    		g.fillRect(sizeOfBoxes*i, sizeOfBoxes*a, sizeOfBoxes, sizeOfBoxes);
	    		g.drawString(Integer.toString(a), (sizeOfBoxes*i)+2, (sizeOfBoxes*a)+15);
	    			g.drawString(Integer.toString(a), (sizeOfBoxes*i)+6, (sizeOfBoxes*a)+15);

