Confidence is important, but overconfidence causes people to do stupid shit.
read more “I used Sendgrid’s inbound parse web hook to check for emails from…it parses the email…then tries to enroll” "Equal opportunity issues with the university notwithstanding, I plan on continuing development for the Spring 2017 semester in hopes of growing my user base from 100 to 1000. There will definitely come a day where UNC discovers me and gives me the old "ban hammer," or worse, the "expulsion hammer." But that's a risk I'm willing to take to help my friends get into any class they want, whenever they want.” - Maribel calls, and says “okay so some guy made a site which asked for login credentials, and now my higher ups are saying that we have to cut YOUR access to your friends’ Onyen/pass., because now that this has happened everyone’s bat shit about security.” Fortunately, Maribel and Candy have been nothing short of AMAZING. In like 3 hours, they had me enroll in some random class so they could reactivate my Onyen, and Chris (the Registrar) is waiving the enrollment fee. Never seen ITS work like that before. Thoroughly impressed. Now, he’s pretty stupid for trying to cross that line. But he’s a fucking moron because this guy had fucking emailed us a year ago and I TOLD HIM NOT TO DO response: "They draw a hard line on anything regarding user security (at no point can you have access to, hashed or otherwise, a student's onyen and password) and I would really not recommend crossing that line. You should probably stay away from personal information about students as well." I didn’t think we’d have to deal with another Winston. I mean seriously.