The plan of action for marketing Coursicle at new schools that we've just launched at.

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Make note of all orientations occurring on current day/following day. 
For every 4 schools who have orientation on current day/following day, choose 1 school who has orientation date coming up this week as target for preemptive marketing. 

Real-time marketing: 
* Scrape their student emails and email the people who are in that orientation group directly (small batches, 50 or so) 
* Check to see if those students have twitter / Instagram

Pre-emptive marketing [test]:
* Do everything in the real-time marketing  

General on a per school basis: 
* Post on their Reddit page
* Look for high schools nearby the college which might be feeder schools. 
    * Look for academic counselors on their website and email them about Coursicle
* Message administrators of all fringe groups:
* Facebook message 10 sophomore/junior students directly saying “Hey, I made this site for [school name] and I was hoping to get some feedback.”
* Message every student listed on MindSumo (rising juniors and sophomores)? 
* Try to recruit 1 or 2 campus representatives. Could say “for every 50 signups you get at your school, we’ll give you $5”? 
* Email student body government about it. 
* Email the greek life listservs 
* Reach out to the CS club at the school
* Follow 20 2020 students on Twitter at that school (favorite two things for each student)
    * Find twitters by looking at who is following “@schoolname”
    * Find by searching " [schoolname] class of 2020”
    * Look at who the student newspaper follows
* Follow 20 2020 students on Instagram at that school (favorite two things for each student)
    * Same way as above but for Instagram
* Tweet at the group accounts that come up with ""

General per school basis closer to start of school: 
* Email student newspaper
* Email the her campus ambassador 

Pre-Instagram/Twitter following: 
* Need to post/retweet some content on Instagram/Twitter 

Spreadsheet of all dates. Should create a new sheet for each day that we’re doing marketing? List each orientation group, what we’re going to attempt to do with them, and if it’s been done yet. 

Marketing “an upperclassman told me about.” or “some of my friends at UNC use it"


All the things we can do to market (growth hacking). 
* Starting to gather and send emails. 

All the ways we can try testing monetization in small ways.