A set of rules that my sister and I would abide by in exchange for the Rock Band video game.

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  1. The volume when playing rock band (instruments and vocals) must remain at a set level by dad unless there is nobody in the house that could be bothered by it. 
  2. Any messes in the living room created by me professor Joseph Puccio shall be completely and properly cleaned up at the end of the day. 
  3. The instruments should be properly stored and out of the way unless actively being used by someone. 
  4. If Dad or Mom asks player(s) to lower the volume I/we must do so at the end or at a breaking point in the song. 
  5. If Julianna wishes to play I can play one more song and then we either play Rock Band together or she plays another game. We agree to take turns that include a number of songs set by Mom and Dad. 
  6. There are absolutely no extra noises such as the clang of instruments. 
  7. The singer in the game should keep his or her voice low to prevent bothering other people. 
  8. If Mom or Dad request me to stop playing, I must comply and stop playing. I may resume again at time set by parents.

If I or we do not comply with the rules stated above, the game will be taken away for 48 hours. 

Parent 1: ________________________

Date: ___________________________

Parent 2: _________________________

Date: ___________________________

Rock Star: _______________________

Date: ___________________________