Since I didn't get close to my ideal schedule at orientation, I had to plan out exactly what to do for add/drop.
read moreDrop ANTH 62 for sure. Math 383 to pick up: Section 001 (1 person on wait list, no possible conflict ions) Section 004 (4 people on wait list, could conflict with CLAR, says some reserved for incoming) What about other Maths? Math 533 fits in nicely with my schedule and only has two people on the wait list. Math 521 could be in place of Math 383 section 001. Try finding another Math 383 if I want Math 521. What about Physics mechanics? All four lectures are full. Waitlist is available and people could drop. Needs a Lab and recitation so it could be more than it's worth this semester. Primary goal: Swapping Hist 158 for Musc 145. Secondary goal: fitting in math. Anth 62: drop it Hist 140: Try swapping for sect 007 with 606 recitation. Then continue trying to find an earlier recitation. Comp: Do nothing Lfit: Do nothing. Then try getting soccer 130 or the bunch of sports (108) Hist 158: Drop it. --------- Try swapping Hist 158 for Musc 145. Try signing up for Clas 121 001 with 604 Waitlist for Math 383 section 001 Change Hist 140 Recitation to 606 or 607 Take MUSC 143 some other semester it seems. Hist 158, Clar 244, or Clas 121 I'd prefer Clar 244 and Clas 121 over Hist 158 Current Ideal Schedule for this year: Drop HIST 158 for MUSC 145. Get into Clas 121 Or… Drop Hist 158 for MUSC 145 (which I think I can get into) If I can't get into CLAR 244 or Clas 121, then TAKE IT SOME OTHER TIME.

Swap Hist 158 for Musc 145. If it's open: Try to wait list for Clas 121 - 604 (check recitation availability beforehand) if that's open you're done if that's closed stalk it and move on to wait listing math courses Continue checking Clar 244 and Clar 247 (both closed 0 wait list) If it's closed: Stalk it for a while to see what happens