A rather scattered exploration of patterns in primes.

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3 8 5

3+5 = 8

8+5 = 13

3+8 = 11

a b c

where a + c = b and a and c are prime, so 2a+c is prime and 2c+a is prime

11 24 13 one is prime

13 30 17 yes

19 42 23 one is prime

29 60 31 one is prime

37 78 41 no

43 90 47 one is prime

0.00736 first 75,000

0.01173333333333 first 7,500

0.04933333333333 first 750

0.13333333333333 first 75

A different type:

a, b, c where b is prime and a and b are not. And a+b is prime and b+c is prime

4 7 10

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43