A second letter from the nurse.

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Elizabeth D'Amico 
Thu, Jul 28, 2016, 5:08 PM
to me

I though you would like to read this. You are very special to all of us, but it seems even more so to my mother. 	

Hi All,

I visited your Mom yesterday. She greeted me warmly and was so excited. She said that Joseph had called her to say that he would like to visit her and spend the night. She was just beaming! She told me how happy she was. She showed me where he would be sleeping. She said she would give him a choice of the couch or a blow up bed she has. It was great to see her so happy.

She was in a lively mood and talked about many subjects. She focused on her mom and things that she had done in her life. She said her goal in life was to never do the same things her mother had done.

She told me that the maintenance guy was ignoring her. I told her that I had told Beth and that she had called to let them know that no one should go in her apartment to fix anything without someone else being there. She was pleased to hear it.

I asked her how the appointment went yesterday and she said that they spent most of the time talking about the doctor and her family. She didn’t have anything to report, which doesn’t surprise me. If you could let me know how it went, I would appreciate it.

I told her about my upcoming trip and we wrote down on the calendar when I was leaving and coming back. She was genuinely excited for me and I told her I would bring photos when I saw her again.

Just as I was about to leave, I gave her the Boniva. She said a few words of protest, but she took it without a problem.

I will see her again on August 19th. She walked me out as usual and gave me a big hug goodbye.

Warm Regards,
