A list of the reasons what I thought triggered the anxiety.

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- [ ] Not having something to look forward to
- [ ] Living in NY
- [ ] Not having a social support group at work or otherwise
- [ ] Feeling like I have to carry the entire company on my back
- [ ] Tara’s law school decision 
- [ ] Stress about the Ativan 
- [ ] Hiring new people to the company
- [ ] Working on a completely new product (felt very grim about it)
- [ ] People moving out of New York
- [ ] Feeling can’t get out of bed 
- [ ] Was feeling great for the past like 7 days and then Sunday and Monday hit and I’m bad. 
- [ ] How much of this is me just thinking I’m depressed and how much is actually because I am? The less I obsess over my depression and how I’m going to get better, the better I feel. 
- [ ] My mind thinks about things far in the future: 
    - [ ] My parents dying
    - [ ] Having to get my own health insurance once I'm 25 and how Coursicle is going to pay for it, etc.
- [ ] Obsessions
    - [ ] 30,000 photos
    - [ ] Fully researching everything
    - [ ] Take forever to order anything at restaurant, 
    - [ ] 100% or nothing. Apartment fully clean, have to finish entire movie, have to fully research purchase or feature before pushing. 

I feel like my anxiety is more under control, but I do have depressed mornings which I need to exercise to turn around.