A hypothesis for an afterlife.

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Aristotle Based Afterlife

When you die your mind carries on in the world you create during your life. While living you create the archetypes in your mind, the more you see them, hear it, feel it, the clearer it is. Everything you see, experience, you can experience in the afterlife. The more you experience in the afterlife. For instance after being with someone for a very long time, you begin to understand them and know what they are going to do. After a certain period of time, using the power of your mind you would be able to recreate this person in your afterlife. After experiencing touch for a life time your mind can recreate that feeling in the afterlife. And every time you dream, it is a visit to that world, the world created in your mind. You cannot fully visit that world because you are still alive, part of your mind is still in that experience mode, and not fully developed. That is the reason why dreams feel so real, it is because you’re creating all of the feelings based on experience over the length of your life.

The entire afterlife is in your mind.

This keeps the afterlife realistic because you can only experience reality, you cannot experience fiction.

Undecided: Maybe after experiencing new things, you dream about them to put them into that brain database.

An archetype is not really perfect form but END FORM, how you will experience it in the afterlife.

While living half your mind is in the spiritual world (thoughts, anything not physical). The other half is in the physical world. The amount of brain power you use is limited. You can’t go above 50%, when your asleep it allows flexibility, you’re no longer focused on the physical world so more of your brain can focus on mental, spiritual world.