Back when Tara and I were trying to sell Coursicle to universities, we tried leveraging the friends we had made at UNC through running Coursicle (dean in Academic Advising, the CIO, the Registrar, etc.) We thought some warm intros would help us make sales (they didn't).

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Wanted to get your advice on how and who we should reach out to.

Should we mention our price?

what do you think we should price at?

Who should we contact in the university as a whole? If the registrar office, who should we contact in the registrar?

What are the major pain points for you as a registrar?

Email provost and chancellor?

Can you put us in touch with any specific registrars?

Phone or email best way to reach out? Voicemail?

Should we go through UNCGA? Is Matthew Rascoff a good person to talk to?

How to get across that we don't integrate with Banner/Peoplesoft but that's okay?