Some notes I took while trying to teach myself Italian.
read moreio, "ee-o", just like Puccio.Common phrases: mio - my chi - who come si dice? - "how do you say?" ciao - hello/goodbye scusi - excuse me/sorry accidenti! - damn it Che ce? - what's up? non fa niente - don't worry about it Non ce di che - you're welcome prego - you're welcome Stupendo - wonderful Va bene - okay! per favore - please perché - why però - but e - and Words/phases I like: cane - dog questo - this albero - tree sale - salt dolce - sweet piccolo - small cena - dinner Ho fame - I'm hungry (remember, H is pretty much always silent) So basically pronouns in conversation don't need to be there, because the verb is conjugated to hold the pronoun (he goes, they go), etc. But you can use the pronoun to add emphasis. "Infinitive form" means the basic form; the form you'd see in the dictionary. Like "run" or "walk", but in Italian they're going to have a specific ending. One of three "are", "ere", "ire". e.g. parlare (to speak) vendere (to sell) Pronounciations for conjugated verbs. For singular forms (io, tu, lui) and third person plural (loro), the emphasis is the stem (so for io parlo it's, io pArlo, tu pArli, lui pArla. And for the plural first person (noi) and second person plural (voi), the stress is on the ending parlIAmo, and parlAte. First conjugation ("are"), like "parlare" (to speak)
Other good verbs with this conjugation: aiutare (to help) amare (to love) arrivare (to arrive) ascoltare (to listen) camminare (to walk) cantare (to sing) cenare (to have dinner); note "ce" is pronounced "chi" chiamare (to call); remember "chi" is pronounced "key" contare (to count) cucinare (to cook); the "ci" is pronounced "chi" digitare (to type) disturbare (to disturb) entrare (to come/go in) lavorare (to work) parlare (to speak) passare (to pass) pensare (to think) tentare (to try) visitare (to visit) slightly altered, but basically "-are" conjugation. pagare (to pay) mangiare (to eat) Pronounciations, lots of things sound like "k" and "ch" and "j":