The questions Microsoft asked me during my interview there for a summer internship.

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David: reversing linked list. Said I had a very impressive resume and "this problem may make you laugh" (because it's so easy). Bombed it.

Second guy: merging two sorted arrays to make another sorted array. Asked how would it work with 3 (changed to 4) arrays. What is run time of sort. Went well. Talked about 6tracker and what I would do if Apple said we needed to limit to 500 requests per second. Asked him a question he said was really good "how honest are higher ups in microsoft internally?"

Third guy: asked about my interest in google now. Had me come up with idea for taxi push notification when you get to new airport, said he really liked that idea and can't believe it wasn't already done. Showed him my iPhone app. Told him about 6tracker. Had me implement matrix multiplication. Did problem easily. Asked him same question as above.

Fourth guy: talked a bit about other projects. Mentioned 6tracker. Showed him iPhone app. Asked me what class I've enjoyed. Did IP verification problem. Went though and estimated time it would take to go through and test all the cases that worked. 256^4. Said I implemented it the cleanest way. Using split.