Some sort of challenge that we were asked to do as part of the accelerator.

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I talk in my pitch about how when I was an incoming freshman and went to register for classes and got into 1/5. What I didn’t talk about was what I was already going through at that time. I was beginning long distance with my girlfriend, on the first night of college, my roommate had a suicidal episode which involved me calling the police and taking him to the hospital, all of which made it difficult to start college. 

When I went to an advisor at UNC, she told me that I should take different, easier classes, which wouldn’t count toward my degree 
but would be an “easy A”. That made me feel like the university just didn’t care about me. I felt like I had no control. 

But this is what really led me 

What really changed me was when I first made something that people used. It taught me I could control my environment, and 

* I talk in my pitch about 1/5 classes. 
* Didn’t talk about what I was already going through
    * Beginning long distance with girlfriend
    * On the first night of college, my roommate had a suicidal episode
        * calling police
        * taking him to hospital
    * All made it hard to start college
* When I went to talk to advisor at UNC
    * easier classes
    * she literally said “go for the easy A”