A set of guides to help get a website setup.

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Z-index tutorial (Done):

Tips: higher z-index are on top. For a z-index to be applied to an element, it has to have some sort of position defined (like relative for instance). 


Floats: (done)

Tips: So first off, floats are a nice way of positioning things because you can just pop them in there and they'll sort of organize themselves. I think you typically will organize them in rows so you'll have rows of content and within a row, you float stuff to the right, left, etc. One way you can essentially drop out of a row is doing "clear: both". A common problem is if you have some background or something that contains things that are floating, it may not stretch to cover your floats. You can solve this by doing: overflow: auto. Or overflow: hidden. The clearfix that's everywhere is another way to solve this problem. 


Domains, DNS, hosting (done):

Tips: You can use google apps to host the mail for a custom domain. Only thing is that it's no longer free and costs $5/month.  




CSS3 (half-done, not too interesting, mostly already learned): 


CSS Position values: (Done)

Tips: Everything is defaulted to static which makes it lay in the format it's put in on the html. Just setting an element to relative won't do anything, but then putting top: 20px or something will change the element's position relative to where it would be without any position defined. Absolute means that you're defining the position on the screen exactly so long as the element isn't nested inside of something that's relative. If you have something that's absolute inside something that's relative, the absolute will position as if its parent element were the screen (so you're positioning within the parent). Finally, fixed just makes it stay at the same location on the screen no matter what. So like a navbar that stays in the same place even when you scroll down.  


Make site faster (done): 

Gzipping is really important. Have to modify the htaccess file and it'll zip the files before sending them and the computer will unzip essentially just all around decreasing server response time/download time. http://incident57.com/codekit/ looks good. Optimize images. CSS and Javascript all instantly. Just download it and use it. 


The thing Tara was complaining about: 
