After starting to struggle with what turned out to be anxiety, I started to question whether working on Coursicle was the right thing for me. Perhaps it was the cause for my unhappiness? Perhaps if I worked a "normal" job I would feel better. I made this list as a way to stay motivated with my Coursicle work (the company was doing very well).
read more- We are the largest collection of education data in the world. Nobody even comes close. The world.
- The app is very widely used at top schools, like Notre Dame, UCLA, NYU, and Cornell, as well as dozens of other less prestigious schools.
- The schedule planner is widely used at other top schools, like Wellesley, Harvard, W&M, UVA, Emory, Smith, etc.
- You have full autonomy, basically, which pretty much nobody else you know has.
- You're doing something that really is helping people with college. Think back to how cool it was when everyone around you at UNC was using Coursicle, now you have that at dozens of schools.
- Most people in the world would kill for what I have. Working on my own thing that's paying the bills. The day to day of almost any job would suck compared to this. (Tara said this)