A set of candid poems and some neurotheology. Entitled "I am aware, yet I cannot change".

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I invest dependence in those I have no reason to trust
I provide them with the power to inflict unspeakable pain upon me
I am aware of this, and yet I am unable to change
I am vulnerable
I am sensitive
I am alone

I think of my happiness, its strength, its transience
I find it odd that it disappears the instant it is threatened with analysis
It asks nothing more than to be left alone
To remain unquestioned
I am aware its unequivocal pleasure, and yet my inquisition remains unrestrained

One must find a combination of assumptions and lies to achieve happiness
One must surround themselves in a lying environment
One must assume they are loved, and dismiss all evidence to the contrary
One must formulate illogical inferences as signals of others love for them
One must do all unknowingly, with full believe in the concretion of others love and with no doubt that their experiences

I know I should not depend, should not love, should not trust, should not hope, but I do anyway. This is human.

Never ask for candor
Honesty only breeds disappointment and dissatisfaction
Every truth is less preferable than the lie because the otherwise the lie would not exist
Never ask someone you love to tell you how they feel
If someone asks you to put their happiness first, they mean putting the truth last

I often wonder why I occasionally cannot act against an adversity. I know a relationship has a negative affect on me and I am still unable to cut loose. Thinking about relationships and friendships ruins them for me, and if I am open enough with that person to talk about the truth behind our friendship, I often pollute it.

As an unrestricted thinker, I must criticize and analyze the bad and the good. The latter of which is the sole source of my unhappiness. I sincerely wish I did not have to question my pleasure, the one thing that retreats in questioning rather than enhances.

I blame my ambivalence towards all of life for the destruction of my relationships. I have previously made assertions stating chaos seeks order, people are thus repulsed by my chaotic attitude and opinions, because we [humans] prefer to be surrounded by those who are constant. Like God.

It is impossible for one to question without knowing an alternative.

You do not realize you are in a whole until you see the light.

The best (as in sound and reasonable investments of dependence) relationship is not one based on a solid foundation of honesty, but one that is not scrutinized by either party.


Religion is like a medicine made for an incurable illness.

Religion, and religious scripture provides accordant justification for any willful act. People’s religions change, when the preceding religion was unable to justify their actions and thoughts.

I enjoyed Bill Maher’s statement in his persuasive documentary Religulous, he said that Religion allows those who don’t have answers to believe they do.

One may not suffer if they are unaware.

It is ironic that in order to change you must conform.

“To deny our own impulses, is to deny what makes us human.” - Matrix 1:0

Knowledge dies with you...discoveries die with humanity.

The only thing humanity has succeeded in doing, is fu**ing things up.

Nothing is intrinsically significant

I came up with this surmise when I looked at the clock, and it read 1:14 AM. I thought about why this was significant, it was when my lunch period ended: 1:14 PM. I then imagined how a number could be, by itself, significant. Then moved to anything else, objects, people, etc. Everything on its own is insignificant, however in relation to what it has done, what influence it has, it may become significant. Therefore significance comes from the environment, the situation. All significance requires a “because”, and it would not be valid to say that “this pencil is significant because it is this pencil.” As it would be invalid to say “the world is the way it is because God made it that way.”

Chaos desires constant, and constant desires chaos.

This above statement seems to be true in both human nature and physical nature, however, rather than the feeling “desire” in physical nature (nature other than human), it is the eventual transition to the opposite. It would be appropriate to surmise that an entirely chaotic system, would consist of vary degrees of chaos, given a constant chaos would therefore not be absolute chaos. However, in the opposite side of the chaos-constant spectrum, the same may not be possible. I think it would be interesting to further contemplate the nature of absolute opposites. Such as absolute truth.

An interesting observation of human nature is its pretentiousness. All throughout nature, and this somewhat contradicts my above assertions, there has been a “desire” for universal neutrality. For all forces and matter, there exists an opposite but equal entity. In human nature, there seems to be the desire for that opposite, especially in the case of chaos and order, or possibly only in the case of chaos and order, possibly because neutrality would be a constant. This is all speculation and contemplation.

“The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.” -einstein

Write a poem or story about “The man who was not who he claimed to be.”

There are two adjectives that in unison create beauty, but alone instill horror, simple and elegant.

My interest in a subject is equal to the inverse of my knowledge on it. Beware of post hoc, ergo propter hoc

Humans hope that their strengths are unique and their weakness’ are universal. (Also flaws).

The mere fact that people need to “cleanse” after using a social networking medium such as Facebook, shows that it is not merely utilitarian for easy social communication, it is (for some) a pleasure/habit. (Continued in Facebook; the problem).