Testing out the various speeds achieved when tethering to an old app available to jailbroken phones called PDANet.

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Best option for Tethering with PDA Net: 

All Unpayed: 

Wifi Hotspot: 
	No Hiding: 
		SpeedTest: 5.75 Mb/s (must have been a fluke). 
		Torrent: Hovered around 50 KB/s 
		Could Initialize magnetized Torrent? No
	Level I:
		Could Initialize magnetized Torrent? 
	Level II: 
		Could Initialize magnetized Torrent? 
USB Tether: 
	No Hiding: 
		SpeedTest: 4.97 mb/s (all hover around 5 mb/s)
		Torrent: Up to 530 Kb/s
		Could Initialize magnetized Torrent? YES
	Level I:
		SpeedTest: 4.62 mb/s, 4.21 mb/s, 1 mb/s, 2.37 mb/s, 4.88 mb//s
		Torrent: up to 400 Kb/s
		Could Initialize magnetized Torrent? NO
	Level II: It seems like this option is so secure that it pretends like it's the iPhone because     		   speediest.net redirects to opening the speediest app in the app store 
		SpeedTest: 5.32 mb/s
		Could Initialize magnetized Torrent? NO