4 months into dating, Tara gave me this letter to give to my parents from her mom.
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My mom's response
Hi Archana, Thank you very much for providing me with your contact information. Although we trust Joseph to keep in touch with us (he has always been very good at it), we appreciate having your information should we need to reach you. I am happy to exchange our contact information with you and encourage you to contact us anytime. I appreciate your support of Joseph and his friendship with Tara. I know they care about each other and it's comforting to us that Joseph has someone as talented and grounded as your daughter in his life. You should know that we all enjoy having Tara around our home. She is a pleasure to be around and I know that Joseph enjoys having her there as well. Please do not be concerned when you hear that she has been invited to our home. Joseph always talks with us before inviting her (or anyone, for that matter), so if for any reason it isn't possible for him to see her on a given day, we discuss it directly with him at that time. By the way, Philip and I would like very much to invite you, Jeff, and your girls to our home for dinner sometime in the next few weeks. Generally Saturdays are better for me as it gives me more time to prepare. So, please let me know if you could join us for dinner on either Saturday 3/10 or 3/24. We would really enjoy spending some quality time with you and your family. Thanks again for sending me your contact information - now here's ours: Beth DAmico Research Coordinator at UNC-Chapel Hill Home Address: [redacted] [redacted] h [redacted] c [redacted] w Philip Puccio Product Engineer ?? AirDat, Inc. [redacted] c