New Skills at Tagzly

While most of the team was doing what they do best and learning a great deal about themselves and the field that they operate in, our very own Justin leaped out of his comfort zone to support Joe in working on the design and CSS coding of Tagzly. With no prior coding or programming experience whatsoever, Justin learnt the trade and now all of our users get to see his handy work on our landing page. Thanks to Justin, the first impression that new users get is a good one – let’s give him a round of applause!

Tagzly Landing Page

For the real live version, simply click the image. We hope Justin keeps up the good work and builds on his new skill. Stay connected with what is going on at Tagzly: Find out about new features, user tips, what the team is up to and help us build the best way to stay updated with the topics you love by sending in your feedback! Email us at, stay connected with us on Facebook and Twitter.

We have Liftoff!

Tagzly is online! Check it out at!!


Click the image to get sent straight to our awesome landing page (hat tip to Justin) and test the beta for yourself. The team is so very thrilled to finally be able to deliver, what we hope will agree is a great tool to help our users find, organize and stay updated on the topics that matter most to them. We’d like to thank everyone individually, but there are just too many people that have helped and we don’t dare risk leaving anyone out– Thank you all so very much for your support, mentorship, advice, help, time and energy.

Help spread the word about Tagzly, make sure none of your friends miss out by sharing it with them. Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and via We’d love to hear from you and appreciate all the feedback we can get for our first launch. With your feedback you are helping us improve the Tagzly experience for you and others!

The Launch is Coming!

That’s right– the wait is almost over! We are brushing up a few features to ensure that your introduction to Tagzly is as smooth as possible. Our team member Justin used his new coding skills to put together a guided tour that you’ll take on your first visit to Tagzly to help you get started. Today, we’re excited to share a pre-launch tour of Tagzly’s features and functionality that you’ll soon be able to experience firsthand!

The Dashboard
The Dashboard iss where you’ll find the entries, or news articles, about what’s going on in the tags you set. You can sort your articles differently using the subtle but powerful options bar in the top right side, just below the header. Sort your entries by article length, publication date, source or relevance.

article sorting and header screenshot

The Add Tag Bar
The Add Tag Bar will be your go-to destination when you want to learn something new. Simply type in a topic here, like Taylor Swift, Affiliate Marketing, Life Hacks, or Durham Bulls Baseball, and after a second or two, you will get your results.

My Tags
This drop-down allows you to see all your tags at once. Just click on one you to view only entries for that tag on your dashboard. So once you’ve just added your brand new “Durham Bulls Baseball” tag, and you’re excited to see what’s going on before the season ends, just click it! All other tags will temporarily fade away. And you can still use the sorting function to sort the results however you like.

We all like to find and explore new topics. The Discover drop-down can help you do exactly that. Check out our Let’s Talk About Discovering post for more details, but essentially, this is a list of the tags that are popular among other Tagzly users. So if you get bored with your dashboard or don’t know what’s worth looking into right now, hop over to Discover to find your favorite new tag.

The Header
Up here, along with our brilliant logo (hat tip to our designer friend Jon), will display your email address once you sign up. Clicking on the triangle behind it will give you some basic options, like changing your password and logging out– but I don’t see why you would want to do that! ;)

We’re extremely excited about the launch, and we hope you are too. We want to deliver the a great product, and we know that the best way to do this is for you to tell us what you want. So now, and after the launch, please send us as much feedback as you can. You can reach us on Facebook, Twitter, our Blog and at We really appreciate your help in improving the Tagzly experience for you and others!

We hope that you will join us when we push it live on Friday! For exclusive early access, sign up here to get an email notification of the exact launch time. Stay tuned on Facebook, Twitter and our Blog while we count down the days to the launch – four more to go!

Meet Joe, our “Tech Guru”

Tagzly is setting up to disrupt the reader community, but who is behind this awesome project? Our meet the team series will introduce you to the team spearheading the construction and launch of Tagzly, so you can get to know a bit more about us. Last friday we forced Joe from his busy schedule and got a chance to talk with him about building the technical side of Tagzly (and his other projects).


Tagzly: Hello Joe, tell us a bit about yourself.

Joe: Well, I grew up mostly near Chapel Hill, NC but my mom is from Boston, MA and my Dad is from Queens, NY so we’ve travelled around a bit. I went to high school in Chatam County though and then jumped straight into school at University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. I have been coding since high school, so that, along with mathematics, is what I am studying now. I am somewhat outdoorsy, and I like to take walks in the woods without carrying any electronics sometimes just to get away from everything. I am pretty mellow, but get pretty excited about tech innovations.

923053_10151384809615938_2058906475_nTagzly: Great! How did you get to Tagzly?

Joe: Well I have some entrepreneurial experience, I guess. I built a website to help improve the class signup process at UNC. The university system was really bad, so I built it for myself and then released it to the rest of the students for free. It was a fun learning experience, just like working on Tagzly. So, I had a taste for entrepreneurship and this was my chance to really dive in after getting my feet just a little wet. No regrets so far, other than meeting Eric (joke). Once we started working the idea just sort of emerged and I loved it, since it solves a problem that I previously had.

Tagzly: Are you using your own site to find your courses for next semester?

Joe: Of course, in fact I’m competing against my users to get into two classes. You’d think I could get faster access after all the work I put in, but no.

Tagzly: What do you think you would have studied if you hadn’t gotten into programming so early on?

Joe: I’d probably just be studying math, which I’m actually more passionate about than programming.

Tagzly: How do you remember the idea of Tagzly emerging?

Joe: So we were still really caught up in the idea of geofencing and location-based notifications. We were getting really frustrated with the issue of providing users with good and relevant information when we realized that there are very few products that can provide this. I had the idea to give users notifications when new articles about topics they were interested came out, and  I guess something just clicked with Curtis.

He noticed that we could bring that to RSS readers. Plus, we all knew the space would be ripped wide open with the exit of Google Reader. It took a little while to validate the idea, but we talked to a few people in the space and some potential users and then just went for it. Now here we are today, less than a week from launch!

Tagzly: And what do you do in the team?

Joe: It’s important to know that I didn’t come up with this title, but I am now known as the “tech guru.” I basically lead in most of the programming and coding stuff, but Justin has been taking over a lot of the design and CSS work for building the esthetic design of the website. I built the backend that scours through the internet to find the articles that users want, with some help from Curtis and other advisors. I also play a lot of an odd table tennis variant with Eric. So yeah, I basically head up all the tech stuff, but I still get to learn a lot when we have to use new programming languages and work with more experienced programmers to help us get past hurdles in the code and Eric gives me pointers on business and marketing issues that the company has to work through.

Tagzly: What RSS Readers do you use or how else do you get your news?

Joe: I was a Google Reader user until they stabbed us all in the back. Haha. No, it’s not that serious, I quickly stepped over to Feedly just because I really like the mobile app and I really don’t check news that much on my laptop.

Joe with his lovely girlfriend, Tara.

Joe with his lovely girlfriend, Tara.

Tagzly: What’s your favorite part of working in a young team on a new company?

Joe: Table Tennis.

Tagzly: What would you be doing this summer if you hadn’t joined the team to build a company?

Joe: Spending more time with my girlfriend and possibly some trips around the state. A chill summer probably while I work on my UNC related websites.

Tagzly: But instead you are busy pushing yourself to get Tagzly up and running.

Joe: No regrets!

Tagzly: That’s what we like to hear. Thanks for joining us Joe.

Joe: No problem. Glad to chat.

If you have any questions for Joe or the team, use the comments below! Stay tuned for the next team member profile. We’ll be talking to Curtis, who is helping Joe maintain and upgrade our soon-to-be-launched beta of Tagzly, what you’ve all been waiting for! Also a UNC student, he has a double major in computer science and philosophy, which becomes a little obvious from time to time.

Keep up-to-date with Tagzly on Facebook, Twitter and our blog. Be the first to see what Joe and the team have built, by checking out the beta right here. Stay tuned and don’t miss out on what’s happening with the site that brings you news on the topics that matters most to you!

Five Places to Keep an Eye on

Week in Review: Aug 5 – 11, 2013

Tagzly is great for keeping up on discontinuous topics, such as court cases, the progress of legislation or movie launches. At the office we use it on a daily basis, not only to help us work out the kinks and improve the user interface based on our own experience, but to actually stay updated. This week we’ll shine a spotlight on five different places that are worth keeping an eye on – topics that Tagzly can help you stay updated on.

Map of Taiwan Straits that China intends to cross.

The sanctions that had been put on the Philippines after the fatal shooting of Taiwanese fishermen has been lifted after Manila issued an official apology for the incident. Also, Taiwan has yet to reply (officially) to the idea, which is gaining approval in Beijing, of connecting Taiwan to mainland China either through a tunnel or bridge. A tunnel would be approximately three times the length of the one under the English channel connecting France and the UK. Tensions between the two countries remain high due to China’s continued insistence that Taiwan is not an independent nation.

Noor Zia Atmar was Afghanistan’s first female minister of parliament (MP), but that was three years ago. Today she is set to leave Afghanistan after facing abuse from her husband and others. Many are using this case to illustrate the backwards momentum and return of extremism in the country with the departure of coalition forces. On a personal note from our Tagzly team, one of Eric’s closest friends has recently arrived in Afghanistan with the Danish military. We wish her all the best and hope deeply that her and her comrades all make it home safely.

Infinity Loop in Cupertino, California
The rumor mill is spinning and the latest reports are the Apple will come out with a new iPhone in September. So stay calm and be patient, but stay tuned! Apple products were only recently saved by Presdient Obama from an international trade commission act that accused Apple Inc of infringing on the patents of Samsung in a number of their products.

Robert Harting after winning gold at the 2012 London Olympics.

Robert Harting after winning gold at the 2012 London Olympics.

The German national bank recently announced that they believe that Greece will need another large batch of bailout money before things can move back to normal. This is big news for Germany, as they are one of the main providers of the money that funds the bailouts in the European Union. But the Germans also have something to look forward to as Robert Harting, Germany’s 5 times Gold medalist, has a good chance of earning his sixth in the discus throw at the World Championship in Moscow. It would be his 3rd consecutive gold medal in a World Championship in Athletics after doing so in Berlin in 2009 and Daegu in 2011.

Durham, North Carolina
Tagzly is going to launch at the beginning of next week!!!!! Aside from that, the hustle and bustle of startups in Durham is always upbeat and on the move. At Tagzly, we’re cleaning up our features, making the landing pages work better, cleaning up the code and looking for feedback from experts. If you are one or you know anyone with experience with RSS, please let us know: leave a reply or email us at

As always, make sure to stay tuned to what’s going on by connecting with us on Facebook and Twitter. Leave your comments below and be the first to know about the pending launch by signing up here. For bloggers and tech opinion leaders, please contact us at for a chance to view a pre-launch beta. We’d love to hear your feedback.

Let’s talk about Discovering!

It’s long hours and detailed work getting the first version of Tagzly up and running. Today, amongst other things, we cleaned up the Discover function. While Tagzly is best for keeping tabs on the topics you know you love, we want you to be able to find new passions as well.

Tagzly's Discover Bar

Tagzly’s Discover Bar

As one of our main features in our first launch version, you can browse some of the more popular tags added by other users. Simply open the Discover tab, located at the left of the screen, and browse through some of the more popular tagz. As seen here in the image, you can easily select new topics to add to your tagz. The tagz above (Italian food and RSS reader) are Eric’s existing tagz, notice the easy to remove minus sign in case he finally has enough of Italian food and wants to move on to another cuisine (or maybe grammar tips).

Tagzly is getting ready for a launch beginning of next week. Be the first to know by signing up here and staying connected to us through Facebook and Twitter. Also, we’re eagerly seeking feedback on our work, so if you are a blogger surrounding this topic or RSS aficionado, be sure to contact us through our social network or at Don’t forget to check out the rest of the blog and leave your comments below!

Five People We All Know

Week in Review: Jul 27- Aug 4, 2013

Tagzly is great for keeping up on discontinuous topics, such as court cases, the progress of legislation or movie launches. At the office we use it on a daily basis to help us work out the kinks and improve the user interface based on our own experience. Let’s look at five (in)famous people that you could use Tagzly to keep up with. Tagzly, stay up to date on the topic that matter most to you!

Ariel Castro’s Sentencing Complete
The man accused of holding three women captive and abusing them for a decade has been found guilty and now faces life imprisonment without parole after confessing to reduce the sentence and take the death penalty off the table.

Edward Snowden in Russia
The NSA whistleblower has finally left Moscow’s International airport after being granted one year of asylum, his lawyer tells reporters.

President Obama Saves Apple
The president waited to the last minute, but did manage to nix the ruling by the trade commission that would have banned Apple from selling a number of its products in the United States as a consequence of findings that suggested Apple infringed on Samsung patents.

Obama kills the ban on Apple products (image source: Mashable)

Obama kills the ban on Apple products (source: Mashable)

Aaron Hernandez Investigation
Police continue to search the Pine Lake for a possible murder weapon near in the hometown of Aaron Hernandez in the ongoing investigation that began late June of this year. Also, an uncle of the suspect died Saturday in a traffic accident – the second case of a Hernandez relative dying since the investigation started.

George Zimmerman Caught Speeding
Wednesday he was caught speeding in Texas and after being pulled over by a police officer that did not recognize the Mr. Zimmerman. He informed the police officer that there was a gun in the glove compartment and was sent on his way with a warning. The event has caused a lot of stir due to Zimmerman’s recent acquittal in the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

As always, make sure to stay tuned to what’s going on by connecting with us on Facebook and Twitter. Leave your comments below and be the first to know about the pending launch by staying tuned. For bloggers and tech opinion leaders, please contact us through at or our social networks for a chance to view a pre-launch beta in the coming days. We’d love to hear your feedback.

Tagzly in Durham, NC

dds-squareWe’re presently located in Durham, NC and it couldn’t be a more perfect setting for a young team to build an innovative product. We have a great network with a healthy supply of advice and assistance. Recently we also made “the list” of Downtown Durham StartupsDirectory of Startups. In the (alphabetically sorted) list we show up just below TabSprint, a great young company we have met with a few times. It is really great to be picked up by local media – thank you DDS. We love Durham and we plan to stay!


The Tagzly Team: Meet Eric!

Tagzly is setting up to disrupt the reader community, but who is behind this awesome project? Our meet the team series will introduce you to the team spearheading the construction and launch of Tagzly, so you can get to know a bit more about us. This week we found time to talk with Eric, our (half) European business brain with his legs of steel from cycling!

Tagzly: Hi Eric! Thanks for joining us today. Why don’t you start by telling us a little about yourself?

Cycling in Eastern Europe

Cycling in the German-Polish border region.

Eric: Sure! I just got back to the States. I was gone for the past 18 years, but I love to travel, so it’s been a great life so far. I have a bachelor’s degree from Maastricht University, that’s in the Netherlands, and with that I jumped into the startup scene in Berlin almost immediately after graduating and loved it! I also do a lot of cycling, including the work-to-home commute on most days. Right now I am investing a lot of time into Tagzly and having lots of fun exploring Durham.

Tagzly: So, you came all the way from the Netherlands to work on Tagzly. What parts of Tagzly do you work on?

Eric: Well, as long as it doesn’t involve too much programming, I usually have a hand in what’s going on, although I am learning a bit of coding. That’s the beauty of startups – you have to be a jack-of-all-trades and learn more each day. At this stage we usually make group decisions and then the person with the most know-how in that field will lead the way in building or managing the project. Which means that some days I’ll be the one writing a blog post, other days Joe and I are working together to optimize the user interface of the website, and the next minute you’ll find me crunching marketing data to make sure users actually like the Tagzly idea.

Tagzly: Do they like what Tagzly is launching?

Eric: From everything we’ve heard so far, they love it!

Tagzly: What RSS Readers do you currently use and why?

Hard at work in the office.

Hard at work in the office.

Eric: I use two now, because I like different features in my mobile and web versions. Digg is my go-to when I want a lot of info at once – it’s my web-based reader. I am careful about what sources I select, since otherwise you will get bombarded with entries and it becomes a bit intimidating.

For mobile I use Feedly, because the aesthetics do catch my eye. It’s also easier to customize than others and I like seeing multiple stories at once. I usually only use Feedly when I am waiting on something and want to browse headlines, especially to stay in touch with what is going on in Germany (I’m half German).

Tagzly: I bet that makes traveling a lot easier!

Eric: Yep, a German passport really helps in Europe.

Tagzly: So how do you remember the idea of Tagzly emerging?

Eric: We were toying with some geofencing-based news app ideas. As we started talking about the quality of the news we could push to people and how to figure out what people want to read, we noticed how much of a problem that really is. Then Curtis suggested we step away from an app and solve that same problem in the RSS Reader community and here we are today, working towards that very goal.

Tagzly: What’s your favorite part of working in a young team on a new company?

Eric: The variation of tasks from one day to the next. It keeps things very interesting and exciting around here.

Tagzly: What would you be doing this summer if you weren’t working on Tagzly?

Eric: I would have stayed in Europe and I’d be cycling through southern France and northern Spain with my youngest brother, Kevin. But I know there is more time to cycle, so I sacrificed that experience to build Tagzly.

Tagzly: Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Eric: Of course, anytime.

If you have any questions for Eric or the team, simply leave a reply (link above)! Stay tuned for the next team member profile. We’ll be talking to Joe, the tech-guru in our Tagzly team. The youngest in the group, he is one of the most important members with his coding skills and subtle sense of humor to keep the group moving.

Keep up-to-date with Tagzly on Facebook, Twitter and our blog. Be the first to know about the launch by signing up here. Stay tuned and don’t miss out on what’s happening with the site that brings you news on the topics that matters most to you!

Tagzly 101: The Basics of Getting Started

test test chalk 2You already know that Tagzly is going to revolutionize the RSS community, but how does that affect the way that you use RSS and get your news? Well, it will be easier than ever! We remove the complication of feed URLs, give you access to any topic and make sure you get specific and customized news. Here is a quick lesson on 3 aspects of Tagzly that will make getting news on the topics that matter to you easier than ever!

1. No URLs required
Imagine you’re the biggest fan of the Durham Bulls AAA baseball team, and you also use an RSS tool to stay up to date on what interests you. Now to get news on the Bulls you could find their blog feed URL with a bit of effort and stay up-to-date, but what about other sources and opinions that publish  content and articles on your favorite team? Tagzly gets you news from their homepage, smaller blogs and the bigger publishers. All you have to do is simply type in what you want to follow. But make sure to think about what tagz you add: try “Durham Bulls” and it will work, but “Durham Bulls Baseball” will get you more relevant results!

2. No Search, Just Add
Don’t search for your topics, just know that they are there! Simply type in your favorite topic and Tagzly will feed you the news on this with your other interests in the display area and add the tag to your list of tagz. For a more detailed look at a specific topic, simply use the My Tagz dropdown and select the topic you are curious about right now. If your interests change or the topic becomes outdated, just go to the Manage Tagz section. For instance, Eric is following the Aaron Hernandez investigation using our pre-launch beta, but once a verdict is reached, he won’t need that tag. When that day comes, it’s an easy fix to remove it. Meaning, with Tagzly you have access to the details of breaking news stories and discontinuous topics!

3. Customized and Specific
Many other news aggregators pride themselves on customizability, but we have taken it a step further: Rather than simply following a set of categories or sources of your choice, determine your own detailed topic areas, giving you a more specific access to your news. Most RSS products gives you a choice of sources that allows you to build categories or, as Flipboard and Feedly have done, presents you with set categories to follow, such as “Business” or “Technology,” but what if you just want to read about a specific company? Say your daughter recently started working at Nike and now you want to stay tuned with what is going on there, just make a “Nike” tag and you’re set. Or, in a more professional capacity, you want to keep up with the doings of the 6 or 7 companies you may have invested in recently, make a tag for each one and voila!

Tagzly is on a mission to make RSS easier to use and more detailed. People want information and they want it now! Screening articles from big ticket publishers like the New York Times or Mashable can take a considerable amount of time, while a simple tag on Tagzly will get the most relevant information whenever there is news on the topics that matter to you.

Our first version of the product will have basic features available before we can start building it up. For this, we would love to hear your feedback – let us know what else you want and need in the Tagzly experience! Connect with us here, Facebook and Twitter and make sure to get on the mailing list to be the first to know about the launch at our signup page. Stay tuned for more on Tagzly!